The ballast-free and practical introduction to Model-Based Systems Engineering

7.3.2022, 13:00 – free participation

Many organisations find it difficult to get started with MBSE using SysML. Among other things, they are faced with the challenge of having to decide how to tailor the general modelling language SysML with its 9 diagram types and many model elements to the project-specific needs. After all, not all diagram types and model elements should be used.

LieberLieber and oose jointly offer a training that enables you to get started with MBSE with a reduced scope of language tailored to your specific needs, a conceptual model behind it and an adapted modelling tool Enterprise Architect.


In this webinar, we will give you a compact overview of the methodology and the course of the training. In addition, we will be available for questions. This will help you to decide whether the approach of SysML-Light with Enterprise Architect is a good fit for you or your team and whether you would like to enter a ballast-free MBSE world with the training.