Ready for Enterprise Architect 16!
- 32 and 64 bit Addin
- new file format: qea(x) (SQLite)
- QEAX recommended for LT Components
- new direct DB Connections
- Native DB Drivers
Other Highlights:
- Better handling of shapescripts
- New possibilities for filtering changes
- Significant Git LFS improvements
- Discard Feature

LemonTree Automation
LemonTree Automation is a headless (no UI), server-based version of LemonTree. This LemonTree version can automatically compare or merge models. On merge it will attempt to automatically merge a given set of models, and indicate its success via an exit code.
New Features:
- LemonTree Automation now allows publishing predefined packages
- LemonTree Automation now can perform a consistency check of Enterprise Architect models
- LemonTree Automation now also runs in most common Linux environments
- On the fly deployment and floating license support
- Many sample scripts and a dedicated help section
On this page you will find the latest version of LemonTree, as well as numerous and freely available tutorials to help you get started in the world of LemonTree. The Change Log can be found on
Already using LemonTree? Please do not hesitate to contact us for changing the license keys!