User-centric model versioning for Business and IT: a co-creative research project

What is LT4EAM?
A co-creative research project for LemonTree. What is LemonTree?

LemonTree, is a plug-and-play product for model versioning (diff and merge) that revolutionizes the work of a distributed modeling team and supports compliance with required standards such as ISO 26262.

With this research project, we want to further develop LemonTree and set an innovative focus:

  • LemonTree is currently used in the MBSE (model-based system development) environment. But we currently see an increasingly demand for model versioning from the field of EAM, Enterprise Architecture Management.
  • With this project, we are evaluating the requirements for this environment.

Why Co-Creation Development?

We rely on the MBSE / EAM expertise in the field: today for the innovation of tomorrow. To help understand these requirements for collaboration between IT and business, we are asking Experts for their expertise in sustainable implementation, supporting us in the development of a prototype which replies to the requirements.

Project goals & development

Business & IT
What are the potential user groups and their specific industry requirements (from Manufacturing/Defense to Services)?

EAM modeling
What are the Modeling languages/methodologies used by potential users? What is the expectation of current users and architects in terms of collaboration?

What functionalities and features are relevant for the development of the prototype?  Is the protoype built supporting EAM requirements?

Managing Complexity with Modelling

Modelling is a key methodology for recognising and managing complexity and allows visibility for the Architecture of Business and Systems. It improves the communication between all project parties, from Business to IT, from Management to Project Administration.

Along this value chain “Architecture Management”, we identified 3 Use Cases. Its key questions will guide us to develop LemonTree from MBSE to EAM.


Use Cases in Project Scope

USE CASE I Model versioning

  • Which models are merged in which language? How are they available afterwards?
  • Who can access and change which version? How can user management be organised?
  • How are changes technically implemented in LemonTree so that existing models relevant to ongoing operations are not disrupted?
  • How can this model merging process flow be represented graphically in DashBoards?

Model merging process flow

USE CASE II Model Integration

  • How can the EAM models (data, business capabilities, etc.) be mapped in Enterprise Architect’s central repository or retrieved for use within a model?
  • How do these 3-way comparisons and the resulting merge function combine the different versions of models in such a way that they can be represented in one model across different levels of abstraction?

Process flow continuous integration

USE CASE III Change Management

  • How can the regulatory requirements of the new industries to be addressed be integrated into LemonTree in such a way that they are automatically fulfilled during model creation and adaptation (creation of a version)?
  • How can the prototype technically combine the different reviews from different user groups with different modelling know-how?
  • How can the different user needs for documentation be mapped in such depth that it also fulfils regulatory requirements?

Process flow Change Management

Project Development Cycle

LT4EAM Project Team