The MBSE Summit 2024 in Traunkirchen, organized by LieberLieber and the JKU Linz, was fully booked for the first time with 95 participants. In conversations, we heard that new participants came “because they had heard good things about it” or because of the informative and appealing advertising. Now in its third year, the MBSE Summit has established itself as an interesting and valued event for the MBSE community. The participants came from research and industry, which was also reflected in the keynotes: autonomous driving, extended MBSE for FMEA, mission engineering using the Unified Architecture Framework (UAF) or the ever-present SysMLv2 were represented as keynote topics. The diverse open space discussions invited participants to discuss relevant topics (from the use of AI in MBSE to MBSE in construction).
A personal follow-up report by Philipp Kalenda
I was particularly struck by the discussions surrounding SysMLv2 and the impact of the new language in all areas. Everyone is aware of this and the need for change in the MBSE world is there. With regard to the standards and tools, however, there were mixed feelings about the challenging new developments. For me it is clear: SysML needs a general overhaul, but this is anything but trivial, especially with the current tool chains and established methods.
Finally, an interesting anecdote: A big compliment to David Hetherington, who was commissioned by Daniel Siegl to incorporate the “Dottie Mae” airplane that sank in Lake Traun into his keynote. It couldn’t have been more fitting with the keyword “Long-Life Systems”: the recovered aircraft was fully restored and had its second maiden flight on June 23, 2017, 62 years after it crashed.
We are already looking forward to the MBSE Summit 2025, which will take place from June 2 – 3, 2025 in Traunkirchen. Join us again and share your MBSE knowledge and experiences with an interested MBSE community!

Philipp Kalenda
Head of Consulting at LieberLieber