LieberLieber’s vast project experience has resulted in an effective method for creating modeling infrastructures that meet even the most complex requirements.
- Use your existing infrastructure
- Create an adaptation concept
- Work efficiently even in distributed teams
- Product line development for modeling
- Re-use of established versioning concepts for models
- Fulfillment of the ISO 26262 standard

LieberLieber EXPERTISE
Model Versioning for Product Line Engineering:
Configuration Management: The most important Use Cases
Our product in your modeling infrastructure
- Comparison and merging of Enterprise Architect models
- Parallel editing of models via optimistic model versioning
- Seamless integration in Subversion, Git, PTC or other VCS
- Model branches
- Changes are shown clearly and intuitively (incl. Merge Preview)
- Review function for calculated changes

Preh Car Connect

Tim Michaelis
Software architect at Preh Car Connect

Klaus Kindl
Gründer und Geschäftsführer von Petwalk Solutions
HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Stefan Müller
HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH, Safety-related automation solutions
Customer Success Stories
Petwalk, the Austrian specialist for automatic dog and cat doors, is on an expansion course. In order to meet the strict safety regulations required for access to the American market, the company sought the support of LieberLieber. Together, they are now developing a model-based solution that demonstrably meets all safety regulations.
The rapidly-growing automotive supplier Preh Car Connect GmbH is re-establishing its software development on the Product Family Engineering methodology. Preh engineers, already longtime Enterprise Architect users, were recently introduced to LemonTree from LieberLieber. The new concept was unveiled in a joint presentation and is nothing short of ambitious.
Bei uns bekommen Kunden rund um die modellbasierte Software- und Systementwicklung alles aus einer Hand: fundierte Beratung, sorgfältige Erhebung der Anforderungen, Erstellung individueller Werkzeuge, Integration in die bestehende Werkzeugkette, maßgeschneidertes Training und laufenden Support.
LieberLieber – Modelle sind unsere Welt!
- Alles aus einer Hand
- Mehr Effizienz in Ihrem Modellierungsteam
- Integration in Ihre Infrastruktur
- Plug-and-Play-Produkte
- Top Training & Support
Contact LieberLieber!
by phone under +43 662 90 600 2017
LieberLieber Software GmbH
Gumpendorfer Straße 19
1060 Wien, Austria
+43 662 90600 2017
LieberLieber Software Corp
2800 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 4100
Houston, TX 77056
+1 832-390-2461