Together with the Johannes Kepler University Linz (CDL-MINT), LieberLieber is organising the 1st MBSE Summit at the International Academy Traunkirchen on 23 and 24 June 2022. The aim is to bring together the German-speaking community in the field of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and to define joint fields of work for the future. To this end, five working groups will be formed in the areas of education, research and future application areas, industry and MBSE tools, collaboration engineering and security, which will continue to work after the event.

Vienna/Linz/Traunkirchen – In recent years it has become increasingly clear that model-based software and system development, or MBSE for short, is the best choice for coping with the growing complexity in the product life cycle. It manages to keep both the cost and innovation pressure as well as the growing requirements around safety, traceability and quality under control. LieberLieber has been focusing on this topic for more than 25 years and now serves leading companies not only in German-speaking countries. Konrad Wieland, CEO of LieberLieber: “As specialists in MBSE, we wanted to create an event that strengthens the community in the field of MBSE and promotes exchange. As we have a long-standing thematic cooperation with the Christian Doppler Laboratory MINT at the Johannes Kepler University, we are pleased to be able to jointly organise the MBSE Summit at the International Academy Traunkirchen for the first time. This way, science and practice around MBSE are combined in an attractive location that will certainly inspire discussions and further planning!” For the premiere of the event, experts from science and industry who deal with MBSE in their daily work were specifically invited. In future, the MBSE Summit will be open to all interested parties.

nternationale Akademie Traunkirchen

The International Academy Traunkirchen is the venue for the 1st MBSE Summit 2022 – Picture source: International Academy Traunkirchen

As specialists in MBSE, we wanted to create an event that strengthens the community in the field of MBSE and promotes exchange. As we have a long-standing thematic cooperation with the Christian Doppler Laboratory MINT at the Johannes Kepler University, we are pleased to be able to jointly organise the MBSE Summit at the International Academy Traunkirchen for the first time. This way, science and practice around MBSE are combined in an attractive location that will certainly inspire discussions and further planning!

Dr. Konrad Wieland

CEO of LieberLieber

Two keynotes and five working groups

While the afternoon and evening of 23 June are entirely dedicated to social interaction, the official programme of the 1st MBSE Summit in Traunkirchen will start on 24 June with the two keynotes by Robert Karban and Klaus Zeman. Robert Karban was born in the Salzkammergut and is currently the technical group leader of the Software and Systems Solutions Engineering group and head of the Computer-Aided Engineering Systems Environment at NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). In this position he is also actively supported by LieberLieber. In addition, he is internationally recognised as an expert in MBSE and contributes his know-how to the OpenMBEE community and as NASA representative to the OMG for SysML to align the different model-based aspects.

Klaus Zeman heads the Institute for Mechatronic Product Development and Manufacturing at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. Since 2008 he has also been area coordinator for the research area Process Modelling and Mechatronic Design in the COMET K2 project ACCM within the Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH (LCM).

Following the keynotes, the five working groups will start their work, which shall be continued after the event. “We have set ourselves the goal of continuously working on important topics in the MBSE community. Therefore, I call on all interested parties to contact us if they want to become active in one of the working groups. In this way, we want to raise awareness of MBSE as a technology of the future, from educational institutions to science and industry,” explains Wieland.

The framework for the working groups will be set by impulse lectures:


  • MBSE and education – Manuel Wimmer (CDL-MINT, JKU) and Gertrude Kappel (TU Vienna).
  • MBSE in research and future application areas – Martin Krammer (Virtual Vehicle)
  • MBSE in Industry and Tool Support – Christoph Hinrichs (Webasto)
  • MBSE and Collaboration Engineering – Alexander Egyed (JKU)
  • MBSE and Security – Florian Wagner (msg Plaut)


The Christian Doppler Laboratory for Model-Integrated Smart Production (CDL-MINT), headed by Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Manuel Wimmer, investigates model-driven engineering techniques, methods, and processes for smart production facilities as well as the evolution of such models based on production information gathered at runtime. By integrating these two research streams, CDL-MINT contributes to Digital Twin Engineering in general and provides dedicated support by the development of Digital Twin platforms which offer dedicated services to develop, operate, and manage Digital Twins.

CDL-MINT is located at the Institute of Business Informatics – Software Engineering at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria. CDL-MINT currently hosts three modules which are executed in cooperation with three industry partners, one of them is LieberLieber Software.