This year we were represented at TdSE with a stand, a tutorial and as a participant in the discussion on SysMLv2. While Konrad Wieland mainly welcomed visitors and interested parties at our stand, Daniel Siegl and Philipp Kalenda showed an end-to-end example in the tutorial “Web-based reviews of architecture models – GitHub pull requests for system models”, in which an Enterprise Architect model is managed in a GitHub repository. Following on from the 2022 tutorial, the LemonTree toolchain was now demonstrated in detail. The focus was on the common process from software development, in which pull requests are created in GitHub so that changes are only applied after a review. Thanks to the LemonTree toolchain, this process is also possible with Enterprise Architect models and is now being brought even closer to the process in software development with 4.0 (LemonTree Web as a web-based review tool for model changes and LemonTree.Automation for the automated creation of review artefacts).
TdSE 2023: We were there!
More than 20 participants attended the presentation. There was also input from users who work with other modelling tools and still understood the workflow we presented and found it useful. To make the presentation even more entertaining, we organised a small competition for terms that could be used in the presentation. Unfortunately, nobody guessed the nine terms, the prize would have been a LemonTree licence.
Philipp Kalenda: “It was very interesting for us to hear how LemonTree is used and what new possibilities are seen in Release 4.0. For example, there is obviously great potential in the detailed model reviews, i.e. being able to comment on individual changes in LemonTree – similar to writing a line of code. We are happy to take this feedback on board and will incorporate it into the roadmap. In general, simplifying the interpretation of changes is an important topic for the coming year. With this in mind, we welcome all feedback on the LemonTree family!”
Philipp Kalenda at our LieberLieber Booth
SysMLv2 discussion: “If you want interoperability, you have to push for it!”“
Daniel Siegl took part in the SysMLv2 discussion on our behalf. Michael Jastram reports on this discussion in great detail in his blog “Systems Engineering Trends”.
Daniel pointed out to the users in the audience that they are best placed to influence the manufacturers: “Dear users, if you want interoperability, you have to exert pressure. In three years’ time it will be too late, then all you can do is moan.”
He appealed to users to start preparing for migration now. Inconsistent or invalid modelling would be a major obstacle to a later migration. Daniel also expressed great concern regarding the validation of the modelling guidelines to ensure SysML v2 conformity. This was followed by a call for funding for corresponding work (within the framework of OMG or GfSE) to continue to be lacking.