LieberLieber, Austrian specialist in model-based systems development, expands into the Canadian automotive market.

Vienna (OTS) – Increasingly complex networking and digitalisation demand new approaches for the efficient development of software systems. New specifications for networked system availability and security in particular present manufacturers with new challenges in systems development. Specialising in model-based systems design, software engineering company LieberLieber ( has created special solution modules for the Enterprise Architect development environment from Sparx Systems (, which is widely-used in the automotive field. LieberLieber draws on expertise and technology from the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology in order to integrate both safety (high standards of operational reliability) and security (protection from cyber-attacks) in system design from the outset.

LieberLieber relies on AIT know-how to conquer the Canadian automotive market
AIT has developed a special model-based mutation testing tool, MoMuT, which uses system descriptions to easily and automatically generate test cases in order to ensure correct system behaviour (safety), optimal performance, and top-level security against potential external manipulation. In order to achieve these goals, AIT has developed a novel threat modelling method for the protection of cyber-physical systems based on a constantly updated and maintained threat database. This threat modelling is incorporated into the cyber security modelling offered by LieberLieber, thus substantially reducing the development costs for complex systems and increasing system quality.

Having already operated in the USA for several years, LieberLieber now plans to expand its activities into the promising Canadian automotive market.

“A key challenge for our business strategy is the constant development and convergence of the worlds of modelling and automation,” says company founder and owner Peter Lieber. “In developing technologies for the future, performance and security all depend on combining methodologies, tools and standards – and this is the goal of model-based system design. Our cooperation with scientific institutes which offer wide-ranging security expertise such as AIT is a vital factor in achieving this goal.”

“The partnership between LieberLieber and AIT demonstrates that close cooperation between technology providers and applied research can lead to new high-tech solutions for the international market, allowing newly emerging requirements to be met as they arise,” says Helmut Leopold, Head of Center for Digital Safety & Security at AIT. “We are delighted that Austria’s leading research organisation for state-of-the-art security solutions can help LieberLieber in its strategy of expanding and increasing export levels.”

Über die Christian Doppler Labors
In Christian Doppler Labors wird anwendungsorientierte Grundlagenforschung auf hohem Niveau betrieben, hervorragende WissenschafterInnen kooperieren dazu mit innovativen Unternehmen. Für die Förderung dieser Zusammenarbeit gilt die Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft international als Best-Practice-Beispiel. Christian Doppler Labors werden von der öffentlichen Hand und den beteiligten Unternehmen gemeinsam finanziert. Wichtigster öffentlicher Fördergeber ist das Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (BMWFW). Im CDL-MINT sind die beiden Industriepartner CertiCon (Modul „Cooperative Simulation Megamodels“) und LieberLieber (Modul „Reactive Model Repositories“) eingebunden.

